In the past three months or so, life revolved in a different dimension. As a typical Indian parent, I was into a massive project to find a college from where my youngster can do medicine. Let me assure you that this exercise in India is so complicated and mind boggling (it could be extremely simple if one has tonnes of money or the child is extraordinarily academic in his orientation - I have enough to educate him anywhere but not enough to pay for his seat and an intelligent, talented but fun loving kid who is quite okay with his studies) that parents go on a massive spin through this time of the year.
Yes, like they say every tunnel has a brighter end, if you persist in your search, we also found the bright light in Ukraine and soon my youngster will be packing his bags for six years there!!
As an individual and parent, my experiences through these three months are so are worth a volume and I intend pampering myself with as much verbosity (!) as I can, soon. Till then, I have some things more to do in the wild....there are woods lovely and dark but I still have miles to go before I park !!